Month: February 2005Page 1 of 2

Stay Out, Yuppies


Rachel Flotard

Rachel Flotard of Visqueen

Ben Hooker’s Ghost

Ben Hooker of Visqueen

Rachel Flotard of Visqueen

Fuck Art – part 3

Not only is he not allowed to replicate a painting by Michelangelo, but he gets in trouble for using the word “love”: “He painted Eve as God created…

Rachel Flotard of Visqueen at Velvet Lounge

Rachel Flotard and Ben Hooker of Visqueen

Rachel Flotard of Visqueen


Car Wash

Images, Tables, and Mysterious Gaps

Along the lines of putting stuff up on my website ’cause it disappears from other sites… I have occasionally had problems in some of my websites with unexpected…


I’m trying to find a way to tell the people I love–friends and family–that they really aren’t helping me. I’ve re-written this entry three times so far, starting…

Crouching Woman by Rodin

From Behind



The Prophet