Month: January 2010


Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure… than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor…


My father died on January 5. It’s a horrible thing to contemplate. It’s a macabre thing to discuss with the doctors. And it is without a doubt, the…

i have no words…

I think I have fulfilled one of my lifelong goals, with this comment I received today: I know I needed the laugh and believe it or not u…


Based on my viewings of LA Ink (hawt women tattooing people) and Satisfaction (australian showtime drama about a brothel), Netflix recommends I watch Murder She Wrote. okay…

Nguyet and Sarah’s Totally Awesome 80s Prom Themed Birthday Celebration

(Click image for full set)

The day of my father’s funeral

From left to right: his daughter Reta, his brother Jerry Don, his aunt Alene, his sister-in-law Linda, his uncle David, and his wife Ann.

Only in Texas


David “Chunky” Calder June 1, 1940–January 5, 2010


New Year’s Eve with friends, at friends’. Plenty of party pictures. Click any image for the full set.