Month: September 2010


Rules for dating (especially for “nice guys”)

In no particular order, and open to frequent revision: Rule 1: Forget everything you’ve learned. Forget whatever you saw on every TV show, movie, fairy tale, or webcast….



The Remainders

They look way too pretty for a group of people who just drank their ass off, moon-bounced, and karaoked into the wee hours of the morning.

be remarkable

Better to be ridiculous and make an impact, than to be polite and unremarkable. – me


If you’re not paying for it, you’re not the customer; you are the product being sold. – Andrew Lewis (via Daring Fireball)

Don’t be a dick

Don’t be a dick, when you get drunk. I can live with drunk people getting loud. And they can even get reasonably obnoxious when they’re drunk. (I have…

Continuing Adventures of Dragon*Con

But those are some of the points that floated to the surface, when I consider the whirlwind stew of crowds, panels, badges, Diet Cokes, swishy skirts, feathery hairpieces,…

D*Con Day 1

assurance and inexpressible delight

Let the philosophers rave on about the summum bonum and mystics about embracing God. They are still vertical humans and therefore even their adorations still have something aggressive…