Old Favorite
Continuing Adventures of Dragon*Con
But those are some of the points that floated to the surface, when I consider the whirlwind stew of crowds, panels, badges, Diet Cokes, swishy skirts, feathery hairpieces, earplugs, DragonCon TV, people-watching, masquerades, escalators, fountains, cheers, novelty tee shirts, kilts, stompy boots, steampunks, goths, fairies, mostly naked people, Krispy Kreme Continue Reading
D*Con Day 1
Meghan’s Surprise Party
Daria’s Birthday
Show photos
So I was recently in a photo show, at the Washington School of Photography. (I’m not a student, but it was an open call for entries). The theme of the show was “faces”… specifically human faces. I only had 1 day’s notice to select photos and mail them in, but Continue Reading
surreal saturday night
fourth of july
later on my birthday…
(or see complete set here.)
2009 in Photos
I just posted my annual collection of photos, for 2009. (Yes… a little late). Same as always: It’s a collection of photos I took last year. The criteria for inclusion is subjective. Some I liked for technical reasons. Some for aesthetic reasons. Some were important events or people, (or cats). Continue Reading
Nguyet and Sarah’s Totally Awesome 80s Prom Themed Birthday Celebration
(Click image for full set)
Holiday-of-Your-Choice Party
Considering it was dark and I don’t like flashy-thingying people at parties, they came out fairly good. (click for more, obviously).
Thanksgiving at the Inverted Ark
(Click on any image for the whole set)
come one come all
zombieland. sunday. 3:10. mazza gallerie.
DC Shorts
Reminder: DC Shorts starts tonight. If you want to mooch off my free tickets, speak now or forever hold yourself. (Or … you know… buy your own tickets… they put a lot of work into this festival).
Zombie lurch
21st birthday party tonight. All the cool people will be there. you know you wanna!
Going camping in Maine in a couple months. Yay!