Categories events

Continuing Adventures of Dragon*Con

But those are some of the points that floated to the surface, when I consider the whirlwind stew of crowds, panels, badges, Diet Cokes, swishy skirts, feathery hairpieces, earplugs, DragonCon TV, people-watching, masquerades, escalators, fountains, cheers, novelty tee shirts, kilts, stompy boots, steampunks, goths, fairies, mostly naked people, Krispy Kreme Continue Reading

Categories art

Show photos

So I was recently in a photo show, at the Washington School of Photography. (I’m not a student, but it was an open call for entries). The theme of the show was “faces”… specifically human faces. I only had 1 day’s notice to select photos and mail them in, but Continue Reading

Categories events

2009 in Photos

I just posted my annual collection of photos, for 2009. (Yes… a little late). Same as always: It’s a collection of photos I took last year. The criteria for inclusion is subjective. Some I liked for technical reasons. Some for aesthetic reasons. Some were important events or people, (or cats). Continue Reading

Categories events

DC Shorts

Reminder: DC Shorts starts tonight. If you want to mooch off my free tickets, speak now or forever hold yourself. (Or … you know… buy your own tickets… they put a lot of work into this festival).

Categories events


21st birthday party tonight. All the cool people will be there. you know you wanna!