Category: friendsPage 5 of 9

One more reason she’s awesome

Dragon*Con 2011

Click any photo to see the whole set.

A couple women

I just love this photo. That is all. I saw them being cute on the hill above me, while I was taking some photos of the house, and…


Spent my birthday at a party for a friend:


New Year’s Eve

Wine and Salty Meat

Sunday: Beginning and End

Quotes and Pretty Girls

I’m a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work the more I have of it. – Thomas Jefferson (via holly) If you go home…

Since Antarctica at Asylum

Nguyet’s Birthday

Click any photo to view entire set.

Rachel Outtake

Game Night and Sabrina’s Moulin Rouge Birthday

Friday Saturday (As always, tons more photos on flickr.)

Halloween at the HOLE


Old Favorite



The Remainders

They look way too pretty for a group of people who just drank their ass off, moon-bounced, and karaoked into the wee hours of the morning.

Continuing Adventures of Dragon*Con

But those are some of the points that floated to the surface, when I consider the whirlwind stew of crowds, panels, badges, Diet Cokes, swishy skirts, feathery hairpieces,…