Month: April 2002Page 3 of 3

The last of the Magic Fingers men

The last of the Magic Fingers men

pop up downloads

Web surfers brace for pop-up downloads No this won’t be abused. has nayone given thought to the reason why advertising doesn’t work as well anymore. Every week there…

Freedom for Booksellers

Freedom for Booksellers While the Court didnt exactly tell the government to go to hell, it did specifically state that citizens have a right to purchase books without…

onesies and twosies

Did the Secretary of Defence just say “onesies and twosies” when refering to warfare?

Sunburn and Cystic Fibrosis

The sun has finally come back. It brings a different air to the day. When the businesses all close, and the nightlife starts to grow, and the sun…

I just put on the

I just put on the sweatshirt. There is always just one sweatshirt… one that fits just right, isn’t too new or too worn. One that works in summer…

Flasher escapes after being caught in his own zipper

Flasher escapes after being caught in his own zipper YeHa! I gotta meet this girl in ten years.

I can detoxify myself immediately

We gossiped a bit, and she scolded me for having visited a Washington shopping mall without appropriate protective equipment. Whenever she goes to a mall, she brings along…