Category: reference

Facts of Life

Three things you should never buy the cheap brand of: 1. Peanut Butter – Store brand is just a greasy, tasteless, slimey, grainy mess. Sure, there’s no peanuts…


I don’t have a blogroll on this journal, and can’t foresee ever adding one. The concept does go back to “friends” pages on the earliest personal websites. But…

“Hacker” Definitions

Because even if someone manages to get one or two of them right, they seldom get them all: Hacker – n. 1. Originally used in the 1970’s to…

Definition: Boondocks

Boondocks – n. Slang term to define a rural area. Derived from the Tagalog word bundok, meaning mountain. Became part of American vocabulary during the Philippine-American War. Mountainous…

More definitions

Brought to you by the need to understand what Warren Ellis is talking about. You know when your parents told you about “baaaaaaad men”? That’s Warren Ellis. bint…


In what may become a ongoing thing, here are a few definitions that most people don’t know, and I’ve been unable to find online: White Hots: Apparently a…

Lincolns 2nd Innaugural

“With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the…

Book Recommendation

I’ve got recommended reading for all of you. I was thinking of the Christensen’s in particular, since I’ve had relevant conversations with many of you. But I suppose…

A product

a product

The Radioactive Boy Scout

The Radioactive Boy Scout

The last of the Magic Fingers men

The last of the Magic Fingers men

Merriam-Webster online is our

Merriam-Webster online is our friend.

I refuse to be

I refuse to be so trendy as to have a list of blogs I like running down the side of this page. It’s none of you’re damn business…

The very first woman

The very first woman to run for the presidency of the United States was Victoria Claflin Woodhull in 1872. She ran on a platform of free love, women’s…

my apartment, washington, dc

“The Touch of the Master’s Hand” by Myra Brooks Welch T’was battered and scarred and the auctioneer, Thought it scarcely worth his while. To waste much time on…