Categories health


I think we can safely assume that Gawd does not want me to exercise. We can start with the last time I tried to start eating healthy, and wound up in a hospital on a restricted diet, for ‘unrelated reasons’. For a couple weeks, I’ve been considering getting back into Continue Reading

Categories health


I just threw away $600. Sort of. I finally tossed out my leftover Lovenox syringes. After paying $1,200 for the full prescription, (no insurance), I had some difficulty with the idea of throwing away half of them when I didn’t need them. I knew there was no way I’d ever Continue Reading

Categories health


I guess I have lost weight again. I was a little worried, with the way I’d been eating lately, that I might start putting weight back on. A couple years ago, health problems had caused me to lose weight, which once it stabilized, was a good thing. But now, I Continue Reading