Month: December 2005

Micki and Frog


Dad and Ann


I’m loath to write too much about Indri. I don’t want to seem obsessive. But she didn’t seem happy that I edited her out of my last post….

a little bit of work… a little bit of fun

Slowly catching up on work. I’ll still be busy through at least the end of the year. And I’ve had two potentially lucrative referrals in the past week,…

Jessica Bar Dancing


MMmmm, mmmmm, mmmmm…

Those 3 Days

Can I just say that Sarah makes incredibly beautiful Christmas cards? I was so totally clueless that she had made them herself. I am so jealous. Always want…

Part 4: Christmas Trees

I meant to do some drawing tonight. Not gonna happen. I owe someone a picture, but I am barely conscious enough to write, much less draw. I’ve had…


I know blind, one-legged Buddhists who decorate a christmas tree better than our national tree. The tree itself is kind of frumpy, to begin with. Shouldn’t the national…

Lafayette Park

Lafayette Park

singing escalators

Part 2.

A couple little addendums to my last entry. The other thing you should know about Indri is that besides the whole “disgustingly cute” thing, (which she is apparently…