Month: March 2009

Unrelated Observations

#1 – Nothing is as difficult as you think it is or remember it was. #2 – You know you’re getting old when you injure yourself peeling an…

Smithsonian Kite Festival


Walked past the Chinatown subway exit on my way to a store on the same block. Went in, found what I wanted right away. I paid and left….


I think I love Navicat. I have used it as a desktop-based, graphical user interface for various databases. It can handle MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Oracle databases. Has every…

Sunday Afternoon in Dupont Circle

Dupont Circle

When I moved to DC back in the late 90s, I wanted to live in Dupont Circle. Nothing really shocking about that. You ask any young white person…


you gotta love the world sometimes. I send my client proofs over a year ago for some new letterhead. It has been discussed a couple times since then,…

no i.d. for you

must kill someone. jesus. I have always thought it incredibly stupid how every building wants you to sign in unless you work or live there. There’s absolutely no…