Month: November 2001Page 2 of 3

“For a generation taught

For a generation taught that Sex is Death and Rain is Poison, what else is there left except for TV and incessant masturbation? – Dr Hunter S. Thompson

Merriam-Webster online is our

Merriam-Webster online is our friend.

Reality check: The algebra

Reality check: The algebra of infinite justice

Europe Goes After the

Europe Goes After the Cookie Why did this get to be such a big story? Europe is not banning cookies. They are going to require that web site’s…

French say U.S. Yahoo

French say U.S. Yahoo ruling poses extremism risk How soon before the first war starts over Internet content? I don’t think it will be pretty, wether it’s fought…

Fuckin hell. I just

Fuckin hell. I just wrote a long article on filtering software and decided I needed to erase it. Cause it was crap. The whole thing is pretty simple….

Let not the legions

Let not the legions of Rome enter her walls.

This is such an

This is such an amazing photograph, in so many different ways. Not the least of which making you feel like there was some good in what we did.

Bush, Putin Agree to

Bush, Putin Agree to Slash Nuclear Arms Ignoring the political bullshit at the end, and the very fact that these agreements mean essentially nothing in the real world…

Health group targets Coke

Health group targets Coke over Harry Potter Okay. I hate big corporations as much as your next wannabe hippie redneck. But attacking Coca-Cola over their partnership with Harry…

I’ll be taking horse

I’ll be taking horse and buggy to New York for the holidays.

I miss doing laundry

I miss doing laundry in college. Women don’t sneak their underwear in with my clothes any more.

Tonight I watched the

Tonight I watched the contrails pile up over the District. (Con-trail – ‘kon-“trAl – n. – 1943 – streaks of condensed water vapor created in the air by…

More from Colonel Klink:

More from Colonel Klink: NY1: News Beats

‘My Fellow Americans, Let’s

‘My Fellow Americans, Let’s Roll’ You’re a sick fucker, George. Taking the words of a man who gave up his life, with no training, no orders, and no…

Ah h h h

Ah h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h…

I can’t even find

I can’t even find any election results for the NYC mayoral race. Pretty sad. Though it’s looking to be another one of those “none of the above” choices….

What does the end

What does the end of the world sound like? Living in a big city, I hear strange noises all the time. Crashes, booms, roars, screams, sirens, and wild…

At the Pentagon, Urgent

At the Pentagon, Urgent Resolve To Honor Dead ( Okay… ummm… STOP WITH THE FUCKING MEMORIALS! You can’t die in this country without someone wanting to erect a…

Is it just me

Is it just me or is this a little disturbing? Thank you CDnow. As if the holidays didn’t appear commercial enough.