Month: February 2002Page 2 of 2

what about watermelon?

My STupid act of the day: Store apologizes for fried chicken special in honor of Black History month

Pat Buchanan: A man and hsi nightmare

The de-Christianization of America is different from mass immigration. They?re coming into a country whose institutions no longer enforce a certain morality. They?re coming into a country, half…

Fucked in the head

Okay. It’s official. Pat Buchanan is on crack: But can this sentiment bring together a nation as divided as we were over the Florida returns? That was over…

stick it where the monitor don’t shine

And if you’re the little pigfucker who hacked my account, among others, today…

on a very quiet day…

I took off this morning with my camera, intent on taking the pictures I saw on Wednesday, when I didn’t have my camera with me. (They really don’t…

penthouse apartment

So my new apartment has a few problems…

Winter has come at last…

*click* I gotta call my parents. They should’ve gotten hit with this storm. Strange… I barely heard anything about it. Oh dear… 55 mile per hour winds. So…

trimming the family tree

i can’t think of anything to write. i can’t think of anything to write. i can’t think of anything to write. I had an English professor in college…