Newsletters are an “easy” way to make money. You charge a set price per page, and hopefully get a cut of the printing. So if you do a 12 page newsletter for $60/page, you’ve already made $720. And a newsletter that size doesn’t likely take more than 2 business days. Do five or six of those a month and you could live comfortably. And keep in mind many newsletters are longer, and cost more per page. They’re easy to do, because after he first couple issues, pretty much all the design work is done, and you are just dropping the contents into templates.
So I wouldn’t mind getting some newsletter jobs up front.
Today’s thoughts on non-profits:
- Register with vendor bank, (yeah… i know i did it already, but I was listing everything that came to mind)
- Find associations and organizations with missions the same as or similar to existing clients, (read: religion and AIDS)
- Find listings of local non-profits
- Find upcoming events and marches on the Mall. Then figure out what organizations would likely attend and approach them with help for promotional items. (Pins, flyers, signs, banners, t-shirts)
- Find ethnic organizations. Embassies?
- Look into government newsletters/newspapers
- Look into Methodist organizations
- Don’t bug these people when they’re actually promoting themselves… ie. festival booths and such
Some existing contact thingys:
- contact RB at N about finally doing the damn website
- Check Old Company’s client list. public info is public info.
- Ask R at TA where he gets ideas for new clients
- Find out what happened with that hotel that was re-doing their identity
- Ask landlord if they’re interested in doing a seasonal newsletter. Maybe work in trade for partial rent.
- i really dont want to… but consider that direct mail campaign company
- check on the A newspaper and see if they ever found a permanent designer
- doubtful, but ask BP about doing their newsletter in trade.
And some miscellaneous new client stuff:
- get in touch with L’s contact
- contact publication and communications offices at universities — RIT, GWU, AU, Georgetown
- Work on script for phone solicitations
- Put up large blank sheet of paper on wall where I can write ideas for new clients
- Research local music labels
- Expand the list of printers who know I’m on my own. I may need their help, an occasional notepad or free lunch never hurts, and they may be able to offer jobs
- research communications offices at Unions — AFL-CIO, Teamsters, etc).
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