Category: self-improvementPage 1 of 2

Mirror Mirror

I have a dresser in my bedroom that has been in the family for a while. I’m told my uncle used it as a boy, which makes it…

Random advice from a fairly newbie homeowner

Most valuable, simple things I’ve learned: Almost every utility faucet, (as opposed to the ‘pretty’ faucets in baths and kitchens), has a nut right underneath the handle/shutoff. If…


I’m conflicted. It was easier to deal with being a clueless fuck-up, while dating. When things fell apart, I could look and say “Wow… I was an idiot…

work hard

I think reality only punishes me for relaxing or being lazy. Thats seems to be when clients freak out and shit falls apart. But when I work hard,…

Do it.

“What do you do when (if) you ever feel like giving up?” – theaudacityofswope There is no such goddamn thing. There is only getting up and doing it…

Life is hard.

It’s hard, right now. It’s been almost a year since Heidi broke things off. And I am still living there, for various reasons. And I think we both…


In my time with Heidi, I picked up a lot of practical experience in home repair, construction, etc. And by association, the incentive to do such work. (It…

Next Year

Resolutions, goals, whatnot. What do I want to do or get from the coming year. I’ll publish a photo book. I don’t know what theme there will be…


I took a class–with Heidi–at the Maryland Woodworkers Club; the Fundamentals of Woodworking class. I grew up with a father who did a bit of construction/roofing here and…

Rules for dating (especially for “nice guys”)

In no particular order, and open to frequent revision: Rule 1: Forget everything you’ve learned. Forget whatever you saw on every TV show, movie, fairy tale, or webcast….


How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single minute before starting to improve the world. – Anne Frank, (via Holly)

you handle the clothes, I’ll try to handle the ‘being a man’ part

Okay. I admit it. I’m done with puberty. My growth spurt is probably over. I think my voice has finished changing. So at the possibly-old-but-still-immature age of 35,…

Nice Guys

Being a “nice guy” is like being an alcoholic, in that you’re never really cured. There’s always that little bit of something in the back of your mind,…


main reason i didn’t join army and could never succeed in big business: I can’t accept “because I say so” as a legitimate reason.

who pulled out the rug?

I think I’ve spent much of my life screwing myself over. Admittedly, I have the social skills of a turnip. I’m willing to chalk that up to just…

second drink

To clear up an apparently common misconception regarding my recent post on drinking… I was: NOT complaining about people who ask me if I want a drink NOT…

Drinking and Defining “Is”

People behave rather ridiculously if you say you aren’t drinking. They don’t care if you aren’t eating, or you aren’t dancing. But if you don’t have a drink,…

Shut Up

Most of the trouble I cause in my world comes from an inability to stop myself from talking. At least 95% of those instances revolve around me being agitated to one extreme or another about something. And while I well know I should keep my mouth shut when I’m worked-up, I’m not always succesful. I could argue that most of the agitation is caused by someone else making inappropriate comments in a similarly excited state. But being occasionally unable to ignore such provocations–as you would expect from any rational person–isn’t something to be proud of.
I seem to be able to better handle it in business than my personal life. But then you won’t survive long in business if you take it personally, for various reasons, (mental health, upset clients, lack of objectivity, blah blah blah). And I’ve found that even when a client does go off the deep and attempt to take me with them, if I just keep quiet and wait a day or two, cooler thoughts will prevail without any intervention from me.


Failure is being without resource or hope. You have nothing and nowhere. You’re not only homeless, but literally on the streets, with nowhere to go, and no one to turn to. And you have no idea what to do to make it better.
To me, that was always the ultimate worst outcome of failure. (Sure, you can argue death would be worse, but if I died, I don’t think I’d care any more about the failure aspect. And I’m looking for real suffering, here.)
Look at street people. Talk to them. Or, try to anyway. Most of the real, hardcore street people are not there because of a single bad turn of events in their life. Losing your job and getting kicked out of your apartment does not directly equate to peeing yourself and sleeping under a bridge for 15 years. I’m not trying to make any judgement call about these people except to say that they’ve usually got larger issues than a rough patch in life.
So barring extraordinary circumstances, no matter how bad the average, healthy person fails, they’re never likely to hit that perceived rock bottom.
The whole point of this is then to ask: if I simply cannot fail like I always worried, then what’s stop me from trying… anything? What have you always dreamt of doing, but you feared the worst? Well if the worst isn’t a possibility, then what’s stopping you?

definition of success

I read a definition of success recently that I really like: Success is when opportunity meets readiness I think the original quote is about Hollywood, but it’s pretty…