Month: January 2003


One for all the teeny-bopper activists out there:

hitman blowjob

best comic discussion comment ever: I’ve never put out for comics before … but if someone would give me a full run of “Hitman,” I’d give’em a big…


Why do we do stupid shit? Why do I buy a bath tub mat? Because my bath tub is made out of a material that stains too easily….

Rumesfeld meets Saddam

Future City Museum


Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow… I had plans today. Eastern Market. Hopefully pick up the photo from Joe. Check out the pet store. And…

Penn Gillette

” Last Thursday I was flying to LA on the Midnight flight. I went through security my usual sour stuff. I beeped, of course, and was shuttled to…


I finally went to the Animal Shelter last week, looking for a cat. And I was right; the right one just stands out. As soon as I saw…

Scales and weight.

Someone bought me a scale for Christmas. I dunno if this was supposed to be a hint. But if so, it backfired. I was surprised 6 months ago…

Stupid Spam

If you have to finish all your emails explaining how they are not truly Spam, then they are Spam. If you base your defense about how they’re not…

Mom’s Christmas Tree


2 dvds: Three Kings and As Good as it Gets 3 cds: Joan Osbourne – Early Recordings; Allanis Morrisette – Jagged Little Pill; Grosse Pointe Blank Soundtrack 1…