Tag: partyPage 2 of 4

Meghan’s Surprise Party

Daria’s Birthday


surreal saturday night

fourth of july

summer is here.

later on my birthday…

(or see complete set here.)

Nguyet and Sarah’s Totally Awesome 80s Prom Themed Birthday Celebration

(Click image for full set)


New Year’s Eve with friends, at friends’. Plenty of party pictures. Click any image for the full set.

Holiday-of-Your-Choice Party

Considering it was dark and I don’t like flashy-thingying people at parties, they came out fairly good. (click for more, obviously).


21st birthday party tonight. All the cool people will be there. you know you wanna!

new drinks

Haven’t written about drinking in a while. Has been about 7 months now, but I’m still usually pretty overwhelmed. Still sticking with variations on the whole “Rum and…


Went out with some friends over the weekend. Fuck… I actually pretty much spent the whole weekend with these friends. But we started the weekend on Friday night…

Happy Birthday, Shannon

Living in Sin

This was a pretty good weekend. I really didn’t get enough work done, but I did get to relax. After the stress of last week, and the likely…

Photos and Nguyet’s Birthday

I think I love that photo. Instant classic. Yesterday was Nguyet’s birthday party. Which means, you know, lots of people in one place, to annoy with my camera….

Deck Warming Party

deck party mosaic


