Month: August 2002Page 2 of 2

it worked

oh soo suhweet.

testing testing one two six

Just testing out a new program — Kung-Log. Should let me post to my movable type logs without using a web browser. Nice clean interface. Good basic features….

security in the skies

“British tourist Judy Powell, 55, bought a GI Joe doll in America as a gift for her seven-year-old grandson George. “Security officials at Los Angeles airport found the…

why not me?

I’m disturbed. More so than even Sara will tell you. I have been the modern internet. I have been through every trend and every type, before any of…

DC is a planned city

You know..Ierjk .,, ,xc, ,, .,c , . sorry… sneeze. I was saying… I have a hard time taking pictures in this city. A small part of it…

Education is no excuse

"In the way they’re kind of writing it right now out of the Senate Finance Committee, some people could spend their entire five years on welfare – there’s…

Lickety Split Couriers

“Jim, a punk dyke bike messenger, is addicted in equal parts to her stripper girlfriend, Ally Cat, her bike and speed, though the three competing habits have a…