As sent out on Wednesday:
This letter is to inform you that as of June 11, 2004, “Old Company” will no longer be actively marketing graphic design services. While we are always happy to help you with any of your marketing and promotional needs, we have chosen to focus on the promotional product aspect of our business. We feel this will allow us to use our resources to their best potential.
However, as of the 14th of June, “P” will be independently providing the same graphic design services that “Old Company” has been offering. “P” has worked as a graphic designer at “Old Company” for more than six years, and been involved in most of your projects. He will continue to work from the downtown Washington, DC area.
We hope that if you choose to continue working with “P” for your design needs, this will provide as seamless a transition as possible. “Old Company” will continue to be available to work with you on all of your promotional product projects.
Should you have any questions about this change, feel free to contact “D” at XXX or “P” at XXX. We both look forward to working with you in the future.
*sig* *sig*
“D” “P”