Categories life worth living


When did 15k a second get to be too slow? When did I get old enough to ask questions like that? So I have a few minutes while this template is downloading. Kinda late to say it, but I had a great extended weekend, last weekend. I have purty books Continue Reading

Categories photo


The National Arboretum is really an amazing place. You not only have all these wide-open, beautiful, natural settings, but the space is so wide-open, and the visitor population so relatively low, that you can sit there in peace and contemplation without being disturbed, even by the sight of people, usually. Continue Reading

Categories art

Comic Book Day with Buddhist Monks

We’re now on day two-and-a-half of the throbbing shoulder thing. I’ve narrowed down at least one inflammatory item: whenever I drink a can of Diet Coke. No idea why that makes sense. It can’t be the sugar, because … well… there is none. I’ve been lifting heavier objects all day Continue Reading