Month: January 2002Page 1 of 2

Can we discuss your photographs, Mr. Mapplethorp?

ABC News reported that Attorney General John Ashcroft ordered the statues covered because he didn’t like being photographed in front of them. Since the terrorist attacks of Sept….

God knows why…

It looks like it will be a beautiful day out. I turned off the TV this morning just to listen to the sounds coming in the windows. Cars…

Study: Basic cable raunchier than

Study: Basic cable raunchier than broadcast TV "South Park," an animated show on Comedy Central, was overall the most "offensive series," the study said, with a per-hour combined…

How soon till The Running Man starts?

"The Chair," with John McEnroe as host, may have won its personal battle with Fox, but could be in some danger itself. It drew 9.8 million viewers last…

not for you

So I think for the time being, my web site is set. I have completed most of the templates in the new CMS, so my journal will work…

The Dead Sea Scrolls

So now the archives return. They may not be pretty yet, but they’re there. And for the first time, they are almost a complete archive of all my…

Gutenburg Lives Again

If this post goes through, then I have successfully migrated my online journal to a new management system. Blogger was nice, and very easy. But it erked me…

A picture is worth

A picture is worth a thousand words, but it uses up a thousand times the memory.

And in a case

And in a case of being absolutley the last person on earth to the table, AOL has decided to sue Microsoft for anti-competative practices. I believe this is…

Lizard Lawsuit

“O’Neil is alleging that while she shopped there on Oct. 19, 1999, a creature that appeared to be a lizard jumped out of a tropical plant display, and…

Is there anybody who

Is there anybody who hasn’t taught school in NYC for a few years?

Supposedly there are those

Supposedly there are those out there who think I am about as stable as an Argentinian government. My friends have been telling me this for years, but this…

It feels good to

It feels good to rant again.

Bill bans ‘crimes’ in sex education

This bill is brought to you by the same people who told youy not to distribute condoms in high schools because it would lead to teen sex. I…

I’ve really got to

I’ve really got to thank PETA for showing us all that stupidity is it’s own reward. In case you haven’t met these people, they are basically the Keystone…

Notables and no-names alike

Notables and no-names alike searched at airports Is there anyone out there who doesn’t think that this who “search-a-senator’ story is just one big public relations ploy to…

It’s more than a

It’s more than a little fucking sick that with almost every charity in North America suffering severe cutbacks, people are complaining about the money New York City families…

It’s a miserable day

It’s a miserable day in the neighborhood. All the forecasted snowstorms are here. Unfortunatly, they mistook rain for snow. It’s a dull gray day with sub-freezing rain covering…

So if the first

So if the first American killed by ‘Enemy’ fire in Afghanastan just happened this week… then how did the CIA agent killed in the prison revolt die? I…

New Times Broward Palm-Beach

New Times Broward Palm-Beach unravels the abiding mystery of Youree Cleomili Harris, or possibly Youree Dell Harris, a/k/a Miss Cleo. Here’s an interesting nugget: Callers to her Psychic…